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ETRPC is a Private NRA Rifle and Pistol Range

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ETRPC is a Private NRA Rifle and Pistol Range

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ETRPC is a Private NRA Rifle and Pistol Range

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ETRPC is a Private NRA Rifle and Pistol Range

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Current Events

Hours of Operation: Everyday from 6:30AM - 8:30PM

Range 1


Range 2


Range 3


Range 4


Range 5


Range 6


Range 7


Range 8


Range 9


Range 10


Range 11


Range 12

5 Stand

Range 13

Trap Stand

This is only intended for emergency closures. For scheduled events and reservations, please refer to the calendar. 

Range Guidelines and Descriptions

Use of pistols on any ranges depend on the ability of the shooter to impact the berm!

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    Range 1

    100 to 300 yds.  Rifles and shotguns allowed.  Steel @ 200 yd and 300 yds. Pistols discouraged due to distance to 1st target stand.

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    Range 2

    50 to 300 yds.  Rifles, shotguns, pistols allowed. Steel @ 200 and 344 yds.

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    Range 3

    100-140 yds.  Rifles and shotguns. Steel @ 140 yds.

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    Range 4

    15 to 100 yds.  Rifles and shotguns allowed.  Steel @ 100 yds. Pistol firing discouraged unless sitting at the shooting benches.

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    Range 5

    Steel Bay for Handguns only!!!

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    Range 6

    Handguns only!!!

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    Range 7

    25 to 100 yds.  Rifles and shotguns allowed.  Steel @ 100 yds.

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    Range 8

    15 to 50 yds.  Rifles, shotguns, pistols.

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    Range 9

    10 and 25 yds.  Rifles, shotguns, pistols.

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    Range 10

    10 and 25 yds.  Rifles, shotguns, pistols

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    Range 11

    10 and 25 yds.  Rifles, shotguns, pistols.

Shotgun ranges: Aerial targets only - Sizes 7 1/2, 8, and 9 only are allowed!


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