Three classes are being taught; 2 on Saturday, June 10 @ $100 each and 1 on Sunday, June 11 for $200. If you take all three the cost is $300. All registration is through the ETRPC Office (903-212-7468 between 1:00-5:00 Monday-Friday) Payment is due the day of the class; either check or cash.
Steve Moses (Palisade Training Group) and his crew will present this class:
Pepper Spray/Small Impact Weapons/Defensive Knife: $100
Possession of OC/Pepper Spray along with good threat management skills
and the ability to timely and appropriately deploy it provides concealed
carriers (and even those who are firearms-adverse) a means of less lethal
self-defense for encounters with others in which attempts to disengage or
de-escalate are not successful but use of a contact weapon is not desirable,
warranted, or even possible. Much of the same is true when it comes to
small impact weapons like saps and blackjacks where the skills to use
them effectively combined with a firm understanding of the law as it
pertains to use of force gives concealed carriers both a less lethal and
lethal (if a lesser use of force is insufficient) defensive capability that may
bridge the gap between OC spray and a knife or handgun. Concealed
carriers who live in states where carrying saps and blackjacks is prohibited
may find several tools available at the closest hardware store that can
serve as a makeshift small impact weapon. A small defensive knife that is
readily accessible from under a cover garment is perhaps the only
defensive tool a concealed carrier can use effectively if entangled with
one or more violent criminal attackers and the odds are unacceptably high
that an attempt to access a concealed handgun will result in it being taken
away from and used upon the defender. In addition, there are places in
which persons need to go to on occasion in which possession of a
concealed handgun is illegal, prohibited, or simply not possible. Students
should wear loose clothing and rubber-soled shoes. June 10, 2023 from
Range 1
Range 2
Range 3
Range 4
Range 5
Range 6
Range 7
Range 8
Range 9
Range 10
Range 11
Range 12
5 Stand
Range 13
Trap Stand
This is only intended for emergency closures. For scheduled events and reservations, please refer to the calendar.