ETRPC Newsletter – February 2025
A Message from the President
Greetings ETRPC Members and Future Members!
Spring is right around the corner, and with it comes perfect weather for enjoying the
shooting sports with family and friends. We have a lot of exciting developments
happening at the club, and I want to take a moment to share the latest updates with
Facility Improvements
We are looking into installing improved restroom facilities on the upper ranges. With an
increase in large matches and more female shooters participating, we see this as an
important step in making ETRPC a better experience for all members. Stay tuned for
Ongoing Projects
Air Gun Range – Progress is coming along well, though recent wet weather caused
slight delays. If conditions stay dry, we expect it to be open within the next few weeks!
We’ve already installed two shooting benches and will be adding target stands at 10,
20, and 30 yards.
Range 4 Shooting Berm – The berm has been moved back from 17 yards to 36
yards. Many AR-15 shooters have already been using it to zero their rifles before
transitioning to the 300+ yard steel plates.
Range #1 200-Yard Steel Target – Repaired and back in action! Enjoy shooting at
this long-range challenge.
Office & Membership Updates
We’re phasing out the troublesome PayPal system – a smoother process is on the
Membership records are being updated. Some members may receive emails about
expired memberships and deactivated gate cards. If you receive a notice, follow the
instructions to reactivate your card.
The Online Safety Course has been a huge success! Most new members are taking
the course online, eliminating the need for in-person orientations. It’s available on our
website and at the club office.
Upcoming Events
Warmer weather means more matches! Here’s what’s coming up:
✅ Steel Challenge
✅ IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association)
✅ 5-Stand Shotgun
✅ Potential Trap Shooting Matches – If interested, stop by the club office and let
John Rainey know.
✅ Long-Range .22 Rifle Silhouette Match – Likely happening in April.
✅ ARA (American Rimfire Rifle) Benchrest Match – Expected in March.
Member Appreciation BBQ – We’re in the early planning stages for a BBQ event in
late April. Stay tuned for more details!
Safety & Range Etiquette
Two longtime RSOs (Range Safety Officers) have retired, and we have new faces
stepping into these roles. Please welcome them and remember—they’re here to keep
everyone safe!
As always, safety is our top priority. Be mindful of range rules and help maintain a positive shooting environment.
Looking Ahead – Get Involved!
ETRPC is a club that thrives on member participation. We’re always looking
for volunteers to help with event organization and range maintenance. If you have
ideas or suggestions, let us know—we’d love to hear from you!
I look forward to seeing everyone on the range. Stay safe and keep shooting!
Tommie Deese
President, East Texas Rifle & Pistol Club